Everything Hasn't Been Said

The most wrong cliche

A pervasive myth exists that states everything has already been said and done.

Nah. This will never be the case, even if it often feels like it’s difficult to come up with truly original ideas.

Repressing Ourselves

People are repressed. I think this is what leads to celebrity worship. We admire those who can say the things we wish we could say. But why can't we say them ourselves?

We often don't realize we're unable to access our full selves. We're clouded by our own times, experiences, and biases. This is why an entrepreneur with fresh eyes can enter a new industry and completely revolutionize it, despite having zero experience. Over time, beliefs become ingrained and entrenched.

The Limitations of Humanity

Humans are more limited than we care to admit. Consider this: we didn't invent the flush toilet until 1775. And most Americans still don't know what a bidet is. In many ways, we're still in the dark ages of personal hygiene.

Speaking of which, if you haven't joined the light ages yet, please do.

Yes, that is affiliate link is for a bidet. But I think we would all profit from you doing so. Please start using bidets.

Enter Your Chaos (or Bidet) Era

One solution to the originality dilemma is chaos, but most people don't want that. And honestly, I don't think this "problem" needs to be solved. Instead, you can use this knowledge to your advantage:

  • Realize you don't need to be unique to be valuable. There used to be room for at least one blacksmith per town. But even then, there were a ton of blacksmiths in the world. You could just find a town that doesn’t have one yet. Now, with billions of potential customers and the internet, there's more room to do whatever you want.

  • If you love something, pursue it wholeheartedly. We use this need for an original idea as an excuse. Who cares if it has been done before? You haven’t done it before. If you're passionate about pens, sell some fucking pens! There are vastly more ways to set yourself apart than having a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough, genius idea.

  • Create aspirational content. Knowing that people are not allowed to be their full selves or not comfortable doing so is a superpower, especially if you are willing to do so. Of course, this is the same logic that leads to yet another bro podcast, but maybe you could do something not trash.

So, happy July 3rd and I guess July 4th. I will still be sending daily emails, but I assume many of us will be busy eating until we are sick.



P.S. If you think this newsletter is alright, share it with someone who you think would vibe with it! Or buy the bidet. Any bidet really. I’ll take what I can get.