Happy Birthday!


America is synonymous with cognitive dissonance.

I don't think I've experienced a single holiday that's relaxing—it always comes with baggage and mixed feelings.

Last night I was driving around and a giant red truck with a Trump flag threw fireworks at my car.

When did patriotic become synonymous with being an asshole?

I used to love July 4th. As a kid, it meant picnics, the thrill of poppers, and even the cacophony of the fire trucks at the parade. I remember the excitement of waiting for fireworks, sprawled on a blanket, lighting bugs twinkling around us. There was a sense of community, of shared celebration.

Now, it feels more complicated. But maybe that's just growing up—seeing things with more nuanced eyes.

Either way, I hope you get some good food whether you’re celebrating or avoiding the nonsense.

Smell ya later,
